Therapist introduction

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My name is Yasukazu Kinoshita and I am a therapist.
IWhen I was a student, I skied and had some physical injuries and problems.
At that time, I also went to orthopedics, massage, and chiropractic.
I used to swim when I was little, but I was born with bad knees and had to go to rehab. However, the hospital doctor
"There's nothing we can do about this, so go ski or swim."
I have some bitter memories of quitting swimming because of this.
I want to reduce the number of people who feel like me.
I am "first and foremost for my clients"
We carry out our treatments with this motto.
We will do our best to resolve your concerns as quickly as possible.
Born in Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture. I have lived in Sapporo since I was one year old, so I have no memories of Himeji at all.
Kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and high school all located in Nishi Ward, Sapporo City.
When I was in high school, all I thought about was skiing, and I went to the ski resort every day in winter.
When I was a ski athlete, I often got injured and received various treatments such as massage and chiropractic care.
After graduating from high school, he attended Hokkaido Judo Therapy College, spent three years as a student, and passed the national exam.
Then, thinking it was a step up, I enrolled in Hokkaido Acupuncture College. Similarly, I was a student for three years and passed the national exam.
As a therapist, I worked as the head of the rehabilitation department at an orthopedic clinic in Sapporo, and then at an acupuncture and osteopathic clinic in Sapporo.
After that, we opened a whole store in Tanukikoji, Chuo-ku, Sapporo.
After opening my practice, I obtained qualifications as a preventive care exercise instructor, traditional Thai massage therapist, and diet professional advisor, and also received training overseas in Thailand and Taiwan.
In 2018, as a new challenge, I joined a company specializing in medical and nursing care in Nishi-ku, Sapporo as a director, and was mainly in charge of acupuncture and osteopathic clinics and outpatient care (day service) departments, and was involved in the development of treatment and rehabilitation technology. I was involved in guidance, employee development and management.
In 2022, he passed the Japan Sports Association Certified Coaching Assistant qualification and started WHOLE in the Maruyama area of Sapporo.
Kyoichi Kinoshita
Judo therapist (national qualification)
Acupuncturist (national qualification)
Judo therapist training
Acupuncturist practice manager training
Functional training instructor
Care prevention exercise instructor
Thai traditional massage therapist
professional advisor
Certified coaching assistant

Hobbies Camping, bathing, eating and drinking
Special Skills Skiing, swimming, sleeping twice, taking long baths
Favorite food Hamburger, fried chicken, ohagi
Foods I don't like: I can eat it, but I don't like fresh cream.
My favorite alcohol is beer, but I'll drink anything.
Favorite bones scapula, clavicle
Favorite muscles Tensor fascia latae, piriformis
Favorite nerve Greater occipital nerve
Favorite blood vessel: Posterior tibial artery
Favorite words "Study every day, always study"
Special treatment areas: neck, shoulders, lower back